What Happens Once You Find Your Ideal Rental Property?

It’s a fact, it’s a very tight rental market out there at the moment with numerous applications being submitted on the same property. So today we want to share some tips on how to help secure the right rental property.

Here is what you need to do before you lodge your application with our property management department here at Wellington and Reeves and what happens when it is approved or declined.

Ensure you have all the correct documents

Our application forms are now online which means you can log on and upload all your information once and in the unfortunate situation, that you are not successful with your first application all your information is ready to go to apply for the next property that may suit your needs.

To complete your rental application, you will need copies of various documents ranging from pay slips to references to identification documentation. The online rental application form lists what you will need to supply. Make sure you have everything requested so as to not delay the processing of your rental application.

Will you have housemates?

Documentation should also be provided for any housemates you plan to share the rental property with. Having all the required information may boost your chances of being considered a suitable applicant. Ask your property manager for more on this.

Once everything is in order you can lodge your rental application online.

Application Approved

If your rental application is successful, we will send you a text message congratulating you and ask you to call our property management team and speak to your new property Manager. We will want to book an appointment with you to visit the office to sign the lease.

We will also run through some key information associated with the terms of the lease. If you have done your research, you will probably already be aware of most of it, however it is important for us to go over these again to ensure you are clear on the terms before you sign the lease.

What We Need to Discuss

  • Confirm the rent you will be paying
  • The length of term that the lease will cover
  • The date the lease commences
  • How much money needs to be paid and when it is due
  • Confirm the bond amount and payment of first two week’s rent
  • Discuss the method of payment

The property will continue to be advertised for lease until you sign your lease and the funds due are paid in full so we recommend that you act swiftly.

Even if the lease does not commence straight away, signing the lease will secure the property for you.

Signing the Lease

The lease signing process takes between 45 minutes to an hour. We run through a few more points and give you the opportunity to ask any further questions that  you may have. If you are going to be late or need to reschedule, please ring ahead of time to let us know.

Application Declined

In the unfortunate situation that your application is unsuccessful you will receive a text message from us letting you know.

We also provide a link to our website to assist you in finding another property that may be suitable for you.

We hope this information may assist you in locating that perfect property here in Albany.

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